Last week, we attended Didacta, Italy’s largest education trade show, and it was a remarkable success for Wisepath on several fronts.
Firstly, public institution representatives and school principals alike acknowledged video games as an essential educational tool for schools. Video games have become a fundamental part of today’s youth culture, allowing teachers to connect with students on a deeper level by speaking their language. Scientific studies also confirm the pedagogic power of games, which enable students not only to grasp information more effectively but also to apply it practically.
Secondly, every workshop, seminar, and talk emphasized the importance of soft skills in preparing students for the future. The show underscored the need for soft skills in education and the urgency to make them a central part of every school curriculum—from early grades to high schools and universities. The future of society depends on the education system’s ability to teach these essential skills to the next generation.
Finally, we saw tremendous enthusiasm for Wisepath’s SkillQuest, our solution for measuring and developing soft skills using commercial video games. Wisepath was invited to present our vision and solution at a workshop organized by regional public institutions, titled “From Games to Skills.” The workshop drew a large audience, and afterward, we received substantial interest from attendees eager to partner with us to bring SkillQuest to more classrooms.
We couldn’t have asked for a more successful event. The message was clear: the Italian education system sees the urgency of teaching soft skills and is eager to embrace video games as an educational tool in collaboration with Wisepath.